Lossless Lottery on MacaronSwap — Wait, what?

Crypto Coco
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2021


MacaronSwap has started something brilliant on Binance Smart Chain and that is… DRUMS! lossless lottery.

When somebody says “lottery” some people get excited and some people just say “meh.” I think the reason behind a big “meh” is that you have chance of 0.0000001% but you have to BUY the ticket first. Moreover, the more tickets you buy, the more chance you get to win the jackpot. So you get 10 tickets and your chance increases by x10 but again that is not a high probability.

What if I tell you that you don’t need to BUY tickets but just stake an amount of $MCRNs in a pool and increase your chance of winning by just staking more $MCRNs! What is more, you will have a chance of winning at least 1% if not more, considering that the minimum amount to be staked has been increased to 100 $MCRNs.

There you have it: LOSSLESS LOTTERY.

At the time being, there is a daily pot and a weekly pot for staking $MCRNs and earning tickets to be the lucky person of the day or one of the five lucky people of the week. There is also the lossless $CAKE lottery pool, which, I believe, will be very popular sooner than later!

Paying for the lottery ticket and having -just- a chance of earning a million dollars is fine, but not paying for the ticket and earning a couple of hundreds of dollars and maybe thousands a day/a week is A LOT MORE THAN just “fine.”

All you need to is to STAKE and earn ticket for the lucky draw.

You don’t even need to unstake and re-stake it just does itself: macaronmatically.

Box Together Math

1 ticket per block is distributed among the stakers according to the amount. Ticker per block can be changed but currently, we use 1 ticket per block.

The chance of a win is calculated as User Tickets/Total Tickets. The total ticket count is calculated as multiply the Ticket Per Block variable(which is 1 for now) by the total block count. The pot block height is 28800 blocks for a daily pool.

User winning chance = User Ticket Count / Total Ticket Count
Total Ticket Count = Ticket Per Block * (Pot End Block-Pot Start Block)

While the lottery is being drawn, ticket numbers replace weight. Box Together uses sortition sum trees to make drawing with a random number. You can check how sortition sum trees work from the links below:

